Post by Amber on Dec 20, 2008 18:10:31 GMT -5
As the sun poured into the leader's den, it meant one thing had happened. Dawn was here. Dawn was the time of morning that the hunting patrols and border patrols were sent out. Dawn was a time when a few of the members of the clan were waking up, while others snoozed. Dawn was a peaceful time of the day. A time that Ashstar loved. Peace and quiet, was hard to come by at times, but when it did come by, it felt awesome.
The gray she-cat padded away from her nest in the leader's den, and into the camp. The sun showed off the silver in her gray pelt, but not as much as the moon did. She shook off the dirt that had accumalated during the night and her light green eyes looked at the camp. Yes, it was definately peaceful. A yawn escaped from her mouth as she sat down and took a glance at each of the different places in the camp. The nursery, then the apprentices den, and her eyes stopped when she saw the warriors den. She wrapped her tail around her paws, taking her eyes off the warriors den for a moment.
This leadership thing was just all so new to her. Ashstar could hardly believe that it had been almost an entire half moon since her father, and past leader, Shadestar had passed away. Oh how she missed the cat. Shadestar had always been there for her, especially after the death of Ashstar's mother. With a slight shudder from a gust of wind passing through, the leader's glance now was casted upon the forest. Maybe she should go hunting and get her mind off of things. No, she would wait until more cats had awoken, that way she would not have to worry about leaving the clan unattended, with all others asleep. For now, she would just watch the sun rise, and watch the beautiful colors in the sky. Ashstar knew her brother, Frostwind, would be a while. It was extremely hard to get that cat up before the sun was completely in the sky, and just about every other cat was awake.
Post by ☮Roux on Dec 20, 2008 18:29:11 GMT -5
The hard, dry earth was beginning to turn to a lighter color – which only meant one thing. It was dawn, and a certain tom was bound to go on a dawn patrol. The white tom slid out of the warrior den, his blue eyes glinting with annoyance. Oh, come on. Do I have to go on dawn patrol? It's so… The expression in his eyes changed back to normal. For some reason, he had been blessed to be a white tom with blue eyes that wasn't deaf. Whitestone's thoughts traveled to a young kit that was around when Whitestone was an apprentice. She was a beautiful little kit, with her bright blue eyes and her long, sleek white coat. But for some reason, most white cats with blue eyes were deaf, and the young kit, who was called Icekit was unlucky and was unable to hear the slightest thing.
Across from the warrior den was the leader's den. Just a few tail-lengths outside of it was the RiverClan leader, Ashstar, probably about to choose cats for the dawn patrol. Whitestone's mind, which was previously tainted with thoughts about the young, deaf kit, switched over to Ashstar. She was a beautiful she-cat for sure, but Whitestone would never be able to be with her – or so he thought.
Post by Gatoimp13 on Dec 20, 2008 18:56:56 GMT -5
Applepaw poked her head out of the Apprentice's den. The sun still wasn't completely up and she longed to feel it's warm rays heat her fur. She had been swimming yesterday and still felt cold from it. She loved feeling the sun on her fur after a nice long swim.
Ivypaw padded out of the den past her sister. She was ready to do something. Anything. Boredom was being to settle in and she hated being bored. She spotted Ashstar standing in the center of camp, probably getting ready to organize a patrol. Whitestone was up too.
"You know, I wish we could go on a patrol." Lotuspaw mewed as he stood next to his best friend, stretching. He wasn't too fond of boredom either.
"Same here." Applepaw murmured.
"Well, let's go and ask then." Ivypaw said. She briskly padded up to Ashstar, trying not to look hyper but not tired either. "Good morning Ashstar." She greeted. Lotuspaw and Applepaw were standing next to her, one on each side.
Post by ☮Roux on Dec 20, 2008 19:06:42 GMT -5
It looked like a lot of other cats were getting up, as if the whole clan were going on a dawn patrol. Whitestone couldn't keep his gaze off of Ashstar, however. The beautiful gray she-cat looked alert and amazing in every way that a Clan leader should be.
The three apprentices, Ivypaw, Lotuspaw, and Applepaw were approaching Ashstar, probably wondering if they were on patrol. I'd like to be on patrol, Whitestone thought. That way I'd get to be with Ashstar... but I've got a feeling I won't be chosen. The white tom remained still, and shifted his gaze over to the apprentices, grooming himself casually, trying not to act like a complete and total klutz, but still open and friendly.
Post by Amber on Dec 20, 2008 19:07:52 GMT -5
Ashstar chuckled at the though of getting Frostwind up. Maybe she should do it just to see how angry he would be. He wouldn't be mad at her, no definately not her. The tom would probably take it out on someone else. Okay, so it would be best to not wake up Frostwind. Unless absolutely necessary. She had learned her lesson as a young kit with him.
The leader's gaze shifted back to the warriors den, when she noticed movement. When a white shape emerged, she thought at first it was her brother. No, that would be a miracle. Instead it was Whitestone. She was about to call out to him when the bombardment (XD) of apprentices began.
Ashstar smiled at the three and then let out a sigh. Here we go. "Morning to you three." she meowed. Well at least they were up early, unlike some lump of fur she knew. "I suppose you three would like something to do." she thought outloud. "Maybe three certain apprentices would like to go on a little hunting expedition."
Post by Gatoimp13 on Dec 20, 2008 19:11:44 GMT -5
Applepaw couldn't stop her bright, light green eyes from sparkling. "That would be awesome." She mewed.
Lotuspaw tried to look a bit more calm. "Cool, that sounds fun."
"Definitely!" Ivypaw mewed excitedly. She wanted her leader to know how she felt, so she didn't stay all composed like Lotuspaw.
(They need mentors, are there any warriors that could mentor them?)
Post by ☮Roux on Dec 20, 2008 19:14:45 GMT -5
Well, I shouldn't shy away, Whitestone thought. Maybe I'll just walk up to her, and act naturally...
No! I can't. I'll make a huge fool out of myself, and Ashstar never will like me – not even a bit! I...I...
Whitestone didn't know it, but while he was thinking this he was padding up to sit behind the three apprentices, who seemed incredibly excited and obviously wanting to go hunting. He continued to wash his paws, trying to look as natural as possible. I can't believe I'm doing this. he thought. Do you really want Ashstar to think you're an idiot? [/size]
Post by Amber on Dec 20, 2008 19:26:30 GMT -5
Ashstar couldn't help but laugh a little. The apprentices were so eager. They each had their own little personalities.
"Why don't we make this into a game?" She began. Hey, might as well try and make this fun, right? "I want each of you to try and catch as much prey as possible. The fresh-kill pile is well empty, so anything you can find will be much appreciated. I don't want you to hurry, though. Take your time and when time is up, either I or a warrior will come and get you. When time is up, you are not to hunt anymore, pick up your catch and come to camp. Understood?" she asked, glaring at the three apprentices.
Ashstar noticed Whitestone coming nearer. Her heart seemed to pound twice as hard. "Whitestone and I will be on a border patrol, while you are hunting, so if any trouble comes along come find us." she added. Hoping the tom wouldn't mind going on a small patrol with her.
Post by Gatoimp13 on Dec 20, 2008 19:31:29 GMT -5
All of three of the apprentices nodded excitedly. Their tongues were a bit petrified by Ashstar's glare as well.
Ivypaw broke the silence. "Let's go!" She raced out of the camp, determined to win. I'm going to win and show Ashstar and Lotuspaw just how skilled I am! She thought practically glowing with confidence.
"I'm gonna win this!" Lotuspaw mewed. He raced out of camp, veering in the complete opposite direction of Ivypaw. Even though he thought he could win, he knew that if he hunted too close to Ivypaw she'd get to a lot of the prey before he could.
"Hey, wait up!" Applepaw called out to her sister. She sprinted out of the camp, noticing her sister's scent and following a different trail that was still close by. I don't want to get lost. She thought. The sun was now up and its rays were warming her fur. "Awww." She murmured.
Post by ☮Roux on Dec 20, 2008 19:34:10 GMT -5
Yes! I get to go on a patrol with Ashstar. Maybe then she'll start to like me… Whitestone thought after hearing what Ashstar had announced. It surprised Whitestone had kept quiet the whole time. Maybe he'd be able to get to know Ashstar on the patrol – they were so informal, but if it happened to be a tom and a she-cat by themselves… well, who knew what would happen?
After a second, Whitestone decided to speak up. "So we should get started on that patrol, shouldn't we?" he asked politely, giving his chest fur a short lick while waiting for a reply. Do you think she likes me? At all? [/size][/center]
Post by Gatoimp13 on Dec 20, 2008 19:42:25 GMT -5
Ivypaw stopped dead next to a stream that ran through the Riverclan part of the forest. Well, might as well start with something that comes naturally; Fishing. She decided. She stood right at the edge of the water, careful that her shadow wasn't visible to any passing fish. She saw a streak of silver go through the water and dove in front of it. After hooking her claws into her catch, Ivypaw hauled herself and the fish out of the water. Much to her surprise, the fish was about 3/4 of her size. That's the biggest fish I've ever seen! She buried her prey and began to move on, figuring she had spooked the other fish in that area.
Applepaw had been stalking a squirrel through the undergrowth. It heard her and darted out onto the shore, failing to anticipate the lake in its panic. While the squirrel stood panicked, looking around for any possible escape, Applepaw lunged, biting her prey quickly. Once the squirrel was dead Applepaw buried it under a nearby thorn bush and continued on her way.
Lotuspaw dashing along a small cliff. He could see the lake below the cliff and was careful not to slip. Just because I can swim doesn't mean I want to fall a few foxlengths into the lake! He was pursuing a rabbit, a rare find in Riverclan territory.
Post by Amber on Dec 20, 2008 19:43:55 GMT -5
Ashstar watched the apprentices leave, she remembered being an apprentice. She had tried so hard to catch up to her brother, it really wasn't about fun. It was her not wanting to be left behind.
Her attention snapped back to Whitestone when the tom said something. "That would probably be best." she said agreeing. Why did her words seem to come out in almost a stutter? She had never had this problem around other cats, was there something about Whitestone? Then again, when he was around Ashstar felt different, but in a good way. "You ready?" she asked, containing herself.
Post by ☮Roux on Dec 20, 2008 19:50:51 GMT -5
"All right then," Whitestone meowed, starting to stutter. I can't believe this, he thought. He had just been invited on a patrol with Ashstar, the she-cat he had some sort of mysterious feeling for, and he had stuttered – but Ashstar had done so too. Oh, why me? How come I'm always the one who screws up like this? [/size][/color]
Post by Gatoimp13 on Dec 20, 2008 19:59:29 GMT -5
Applepaw had decided to try her luck with fishing. She sat patiently by the water, waiting for a fish to come. Every time she saw one however, it stayed just out of range. She couldn't figure out what was wrong. Maybe I should try something else. She decided. She headed back inland, hoping to scent some prey along the way.
Lotuspaw was chasing the rabbit when it ducked under a bush. He halted in front of the bush, preparing to pounce. Just before he could pounce, a fox jumped out, snarling at him. The fox snapped his jaws once before lunging at Lotuspaw. Lotuspaw started sprinting for his life, knowing that he couldn't beat a fox in a fight. Sure I can beat Applepaw and occasionally Ivypaw, but not a fox! "Help!" He yowled. His only hope was that he'd run into Ashstar and Whitestone.
Ivypaw was about to catch her fourth piece of prey when she heard Lotuspaw yowl. She pricked up her ears and darted towards where her friend's cry had come from.
Lotuspaw was cornered when Ivypaw found him. A fox that was about two times Ivypaw's size had him backed up against a try. Knowing that if she didn't do something her friend would die, Ivypaw lunged at the fox, hissing as she landed on it's back. She clamped her jaws onto the fox's neck and hung there scratching at the beast, determined not to fall.
Post by Amber on Dec 20, 2008 20:30:25 GMT -5
Ashstar couldn't believe how stupid she must look right now. She had never frozen up in front of another cat before. Had some kind of poison been put in the prey or something?
"We can check up on the apprentices in a bit, and I say that once we finish our patrol we can get them and end their little game." With that being said, and without waiting for an answer the she-cat trotted out of camp and into the forest, heading in the direction of the lake. Ashstar hoped this would stop her from acting like such a mousebrained fool!